Why Choose Techovation?


“Over the last decade, my law firm has had robust IT needs. We are constantly adapting and growing. As a law firm with tens of thousands of case files, we have significant security, data backup, data management, and software and hardware demands. Techovation has met and surpassed all of our demands. We now use Techovation exclusively. I could not be happier with our experiences with Techovation and can fully and enthusiastically recommend them.”
Russell H., San Diego, CA

“As the CEO running a business that is extremely dependent upon technology systems, I say emphatically that Ara of Techovation has been our best ever investment in risk-management. For over three years, Ara has been keeping the lights and computers on at our company.
He is responsive, proactive, knowledgeable, resourceful, and pleasant to work with. He has helped us with network management, VOIP, backups, hardware purchases, emergency restores of all sorts, and a myriad of other things. I highly recommend his services.”
Jeffrey A., Burlingame, CA

“[Techovation] figured out how to convert our ancient bug tracking system to a virtual machine. This saved us weeks of work.”
Paul D., Burlingame, CA

Home Page Quote: “Their quick response time…is superior to any prior technology management we have had.”
Bryan T., San Francisco, CA

“Techovation has enabled our company to grow from 25 to 55 people and open two new offices. The management of technology has complemented our growth and enabled us to focus on business productivity. Their quick response time and remote management of issues is superior to any prior technology management we have had.”
Bryan T., San Francisco, CA

“When we did our office build out, I did a lot of worrying. I worried about the carpet, the furniture, the chairs, and the air conditioning. What I did not worry about was our data cabling. Having worked with Techovation before, I knew that Ara and his team would be disciplined enough to do it right and quickly, but creative enough to alert me to changes or improvements we could make. With Techovation there are no excuses or surprises, just very high quality results. Techovation will remain in my “quiver” of contractors that I will take everywhere with me, regardless of my position or company.”
John F., Silicon Valley, CA