About Techovation


1. What does Techovation do?
Techovation is an IT Services Provider.
2. Where are we located?
Techovation’s headquarters are based out of San Mateo, CA. However, we service a multitude of clients throughout the state of California.
3. How are we different from our competitors?
As opposed to many IT service providers, Techovation prides itself for focusing on trust in order to create a resilient partnership with its clients.
4. Who are our technology partners?
Microsoft, Cisco, Dell, Lenovo, HP, DRII, PMI
5. How many clients do we have?
Techovation currently has a portfolio of over 12 clients throughout the state of California. Techovation’s client industries range from Law Firms, Software Companies, Investment Firms, Medical Offices, Insurance Offices, and Top 500 Commercial Real Estate Companies.
Our client’s employee size range from five to over 60 employees. For this reason, our services and maintenance plans are custom tailored to fit the individual needs of each client.
6. How many clients currently subscribe to monthly maintenance plan?
The majority of our clients subscribe to a monthly maintenance plan. Each maintenance plan is individually tailored to meet the needs of each client. Some clients require as few as 10 hours which is primarily dedicated for the maintenance and support of servers and network equipment. Other have subscripted to additional hours to cover the costs of desktop support and maintenance.
Please contact us for further details.
7. I’m interested in your services, who can I contact?
If you are interested in learning more about Techovation’s services, please send us an e-mail at info@techovation.com, or contact us directly at the number 415-894-0515.
8. What is your general contact information?
Telephone: 415-894-0515
Fax: 914-931-0325
E-mail: info@techovation.com